Healing Begins With You

Are you wanting to find your own way but feel consumed with feelings of guilt and fear of disappointing your family? You try to be there for others while also supporting yourself but somehow you feel like you’re not doing enough. You might find yourself wanting to fit in but realize it doesn’t align with the person you are.

You’re no alone.

Whether you are in your adolescent stage figuring out who you are, or in adulthood wanting to shed distorted beliefs about yourself, hope is here. I have worked with individuals who are first generation college students, entrepreneurs and professionals or simply first in their families to deviate from the expectations of others.

These are shared human experiences that can cause one to feel like the black sheep of the family and increase feelings of depression, anxiety, internal conflicts, self-doubt, and feelings of “ I’m not good enough.” Regardless of your background, my hope is to help you embrace your humanity beyond your culture, job title, ethnicity or other external factors.

Hi! My name is Zamanda Martínez,

I’d love to get to know you and help you connect to your heart.

I believe a sprinkle of vulnerability with healthy boundaries can help you feel less alone. Below is my story of why I became a Mental Health Counselor.

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen
— Brené Brown, PhD, LMSW

This is my story, What is yours?

I’m a first generation Mexican-American born and raised in Fort Worth, TX. Growing up in a family that was new in adapting to the American culture meant doing many things without a blueprint for the first time, all while learning a new language and culture outside of my home. This led me to have my own experiences with mental health as a teenager and later throughout college.

As someone who grew up with this experience, I learned to do the best with what I had and sought out help through books in hopes to understand myself and make sense of what I was feeling. My love for learning about mental health continued to grow and eventually led me toward the path of becoming a therapist !

Being the first in my family to obtain a higher education was exciting but definitely a bumpy road. There were moments I doubted my own abilities and often felt lost; However, recognizing I could not do it alone was the cornerstone to my healing. With the help of a therapist, community and my personal faith, I was able to create meaning out of some of the most unfortunate events in my life.

And now, I want to help you through yours.

Regardless of your background and life experiences, we are all human beings who need support. Whether it is relating to life transitions, grief and loss, breaking generational cycles or learning to set boundaries in your relationships, YOUR STORY MATTERS. I’d love to hear yours and help you find hope, meaning and purpose in your life through our work together.