Intake Sessions

Your individual needs will be assessed during your intake session to tailor your treatment specifically for you. We will get to know each other as I gather some of your background history. We will review the intake paperwork together to set expectations for counseling.

1hr and 30 min: $150

Individual Therapy Sessions

Your individual talk therapy sessions will involve our collaborative work to meet your unique needs and goals in therapy. Yes, I have the License but YOU are the expert of your life, and an important asset in your treatment planning.

50 min: $120

Behavioral Health Assessments For Immigration

Behavioral Health Assessments for U Visa and Family Petitions ONLY. Must have a contract with an immigration attorney. The information you provide during the interview will be used for a 10-15 page report that is extremely detailed and takes about 6 weeks to be completed. The assessment will be sent directly to your attorney.

I do NOT provide Behavioral Health Assessments for VAWA cases.

Total Appointment Cost: $600

Deposit Required: $150 ( Non-Refundable)

Contact Mending Clinic for more information.


Good Faith Estimate

The No Surprises Act was signed into federal law in December 2020 in order to give patients all the financial information up front before working with a doctor or organization that would not be on their insurance plan. Zamanda agrees that all financial investments by clients should be agreed upon by both counselor and client prior to beginning sessions. Please review intake paperwork closely regarding fees. 

Each client is different and each client can expect a different length of treatment. However, if a client sees Zamanda for an intake and then 51 follow up appointments ( once a week for one year) a good faith estimate is 6,270. This Good faith Estimate does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment. You could be charged more if complications or special circumstances occur. 

Zamanda is an out of network provider and can provide you with an itemized receipt for services. Reimbursement is up to your individual insurance provider; a receipt from Zamanda is not a guarantee of reimbursement.